Thursday, July 13, 2006

We found out on Monday that the administrative staff of our organization took off for Togo to buy a car (apparently their cheaper there). I'm going to wait until I'm done with the program to write in detail about that though so I'm free to give my true thoughts (which are none too kind; I have some very choice words about the administration here). They're still not back yet and I wonder who's money they're spending for the hotel rooms and the lavish meals I'm sure they're taking. Plus the rest of the organization in inhibited because we can't access any of you funds since the financial guy is off gallivanting around on our penny. But yeah, I don't want to get too worked up about that now, more on this later...
I finally got to meet the director of one of the departments I'm in, the IT guy, he's been out with jaundice until now. My knowledge of diseases has exploded dramatically since I've been here. Don't worry mom and dad though- most these can be easily treated, the problem arises mainly when you can't afford the basic treatment.
Oh I just checked my email....congragulations Mike and Kim!!! I look forward to having another one in the familly, hopefully I'll be around to see this one before she gets too old!
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You should let someone above your admin. know about how there acting and what there doing. If I worked for the agency you're working for i'd like to know.
That would be a good idea except for that it's the head of the org who's taking most of the money- he's the one who spearheaded getting a new car idea. The higher up you go the more corrupt it gets. Just an update they just got back from Togo with a nearly new Land Rover! WTF! thats an EXPENSIVE car! But we are working on some stuff over here, i dont want to say much until we sort this out in case it gets back to anyone over here
You sound like a secret agent ;)
No seriously, I'm glad you are going to try and hold people accountable for that.
Love you - looking forward to seeing you kinda soon!
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No seriously, I'm glad you are going to try and hold people accountable for that.
Love you - looking forward to seeing you kinda soon!
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