Sunday, June 25, 2006
It's a small small world!

Well I finnally got ill, nothing big just the usual traverls stomach problems, but its good. I was getting kinda worried, while everyone else in camp has been getting all kinda of stuff, everything from Malaria to Scabies, i had nothing. I thought maybe the universe was just saving up something special for me and that's why I was being spared, but luckly I got some diarreha this weekend...phew! It's rare that we go a week on camp without at least a handfull of people getting sick with something or the other simply due to the nature of the environment we live in. With sickness taking up such a large part of life here it naturally makes its way into our everyday conversation; its not unusual for our dinner talk to drift towards an update of everyone's bowl movements- who went today and how many times, who's constipated, who's got diarreha, who's puked and how many times. It's all quite lovely!
On a completly seperate note, Katie sent me a wonderful poem today, it really made me feel great, so i'll post it here (if katie dosn't mind):
My poem to you:
When I first met this boy he was wearing a hat,
And was not much of a chitchat,
Nor was he fat.
When it comes to airplanes he is no drat,
Although he does not support combat.
He drinks milk that is only nonfat
And for a short time he was in a frat.
His favorite animal is not a dingbat or wombat,
But just a boaring old cat.
Now he's in Ghana dealing with many Gnat's,
And other bugs you'd like to hit with a bat,
As well as toilet matters that go splat.
But anyone who knows this Matt
Is not left wondering where his heart is at.
Love from the Kindom of Saudi Arabia. -Katie
I thought it was pretty goo

but the bathroom is calling again so I must wrap up. Everyone cheer for Ghana this tuesday against Brazil...they'll need all the cheer they can get!
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Hehehe, I meant to sign as Me...but now it looked ESL. Anyway, I think about you all the time and wonder if your sick of white rice yet and wish I could be there with you. So I decided to write you a poem....its very 2nd grade, I know....hehe, but I also know you dont have high expectations of my poetry. :)
I can NOT believe you just saw Angie walking down the street! It is such a small world! CRAZY.
Anyway, love you and miss you.
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I can NOT believe you just saw Angie walking down the street! It is such a small world! CRAZY.
Anyway, love you and miss you.
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